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Friday, January 20, 2006

The cow

They cant naturally turn around and have to walk in a big arc to go back they way they came. They eat grass, throw it up, then eat it again. In Hinduism it is a holy animal. Today's question is
Where the hell did cows come from?
It does not seem logical that the cow slipped through the evolutionary net. They have no natural predators. They have little horns that they can't really use.

There has been talk of the cow being a domesticated buffalo. Buffalos are fast and are hectic in a stampede. Ever seen a cow in a stampede?

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  • I know the answer, but its Goggle'd, so I'm disqualified...BUT, BUT, BUT...

    "The average milk cow produces 7,850 litres of milk a year. How many cows would it take to supply the amount of milk equivalent to what it costs to run the royal family?" hint: 67.81 million litres)

    By Blogger Gregor, at 1:31 PM  

  • cows did not evolve. It was about the time G-d was busy putting the world together that he created all animals - from scratch

    By Blogger Carlz, at 2:24 AM  

  • Gregor: What? does this mean the answer is the royal family?

    Carlz: what did he make cows from? sugar spice and everything leather? :)

    By Blogger Poly, at 1:50 AM  

  • thats the biblical account at least - which even if we don't all agree with, we should at least take into account - no?

    By Blogger Carlz, at 10:39 PM  

  • Baiks: you am genius.

    By Blogger Poly, at 2:37 AM  

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