Leave google at the door

Monday, February 27, 2006


Or that's what they call it Norway. It's also called ski-jump.

The question is simple: how the hell do you learn how to do it? I understand the skiing down a mountain over little bumps etc and being airborne for bit. But how the hell do you work your way up to skiing down a ramp and launching yourself for meters in the air???? Do they just push you down and hope for the best?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Are vienna sausages called viennas in Vienna or are they just called sausages. And are Russians sausages called Russians in Russia or just sausages?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

salt and snow

I was in a smowy country recently- and *surprise* it snowed. Which is all good and well. They put salt on the sidewalks to clear the snow- i get that. But why?

Bear with me: If salt lowers the freezing point of water, then surely it would lower the freezing point of snow. Surely this should result in the snow remaining on the sidewalk and not melting?

Monday, February 06, 2006

traffic silliness

What is up with the two lane traffic circle? Once you are on the inside lane and there is lots of traffic, you are screwed. Its just silly. can someone please explain the rationale behind this?