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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tshwane wants to be the next idol

This is the City of Tshwane's logo. WTF? It looks like a city logo in goth drag.

But it got me thinking, why do we not discourage people from idiocracy? Its kinda like the fools who want to be the "next idol" but couldn't hit a note, even if they fell on a piano. Surely at some stage, they sang for someone and asked for feedback. If we were just honest with these people in the first place, then so much pain and suffering would be avoided. The same for the Tshwane logo. Why didnt somebody speak up?

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  • even if we spoke up - what exactly could we say? and so what if i want to be an idol

    By Blogger Carlz, at 5:34 AM  

  • comment...
    i think it's sweet, they tried very hard to make it look very professional. they probably had very little budget because they spent it all on other meaningless things like the blue bulls cheerleaders uniforms

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:40 AM  

  • I'm with Gen, and I dont think the goal was new media/design kudos, or we would have got something like the new tory logo (http://www.conservatives.com/tile.do?def=party.logo.page)


    By Blogger Katie Possum, at 6:51 AM  

  • Luana you legend! Stumbled onto your blog and see you're still alive and well...what's news?! Love Marika.xxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:01 AM  

  • I did speak up. This was the compromise. Committee decisions are a mess. Originally the whole thing was right angles. So they threw in some curves and that orange at the top.

    By Blogger Round robin, at 4:17 PM  

  • Good looks aren't enough. It takes an unidentifiable quality.

    By Blogger Round robin, at 4:21 PM  

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