Leave google at the door

Monday, February 27, 2006


Or that's what they call it Norway. It's also called ski-jump.

The question is simple: how the hell do you learn how to do it? I understand the skiing down a mountain over little bumps etc and being airborne for bit. But how the hell do you work your way up to skiing down a ramp and launching yourself for meters in the air???? Do they just push you down and hope for the best?


  • so what you're saying is you dont know about ski flying?

    By Blogger Poly, at 12:11 PM  

  • hi love
    I have been trying to track you down for ages, i asked marika and vince for your email address and they both ignored the question. I even googled you, looking for a blog. email me. (kate.thompson.sa@gmail.com)

    By Blogger Katie Possum, at 4:14 AM  

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